When I soul search, I see vast room for improvement. Change can be a good thing. My mother says "There's no growth without change." And I certainly agree with her. But the change or improvement...what's the goal? Is it to better myself? Is it to impress others? Is it to appease others? Not I said the cat. The improvement I reach for is not so that I can measure up to any other humans' standards. Why? Because humans no matter the lineage, location, or logic, share the same defect: Imperfection. So am I to measure myself by a faulty yard stick? I think not.
I admit walking to the beat of your own tune isn't always socially or even secularly accepted. "I mean really, who do you think you are setting standards for yourself when we set them for you?"... Sounds ridiculous to me. Or some may feel caged themselves and we know misery loves company.
People have viewed this spirit and see it as, unconventional, and rebellious. I can only conclude they are attempting to do what only the Almighty can do which is: Read the heart, discern intent and judge. We all are given free will, the right to think and feel and act as we so wish.
To clarify, I'm not against suggestions, or advice. I realize that wisdom is found in seeking counsel of the experienced. However, I take any advice and suggestion with a grain of salt. If i think on it and find it to be useful or beneficial to the personal standard of growth I'm seeking at the time, I implement it. Subversion, anarchy, disembodiment of structure is not the angle. The angle here is mental and emotional freedom... avoiding changing or the dampening of the spirit, implementing advice, simply to match the beat of another's drum, to please them to seek their approval, to clone.
It can't be overlooked though that when you have lipstick on your teeth, you can't see it. And if someone alerts you, don't be stubborn and leave the lipstick,you'll look like a complete fool. In the same token, if they are displeased with the color of your lipstick, that's not your concern. It's their personal problem. By this I mean, at some point there will be a mirror (suggestion, advice, or something a lot more shocking) held up to you. You'll see the lipstick (character flaw, need for improvement or change). Don't ignore it, don't resent it, that's called help that could save you from serious embarrassment or save your life. But if you picked a color (made a decision, carry on in a manner) that suits you, (not damaging in any way to yourself or others, not illegal) and it's being reviewed, ridiculed and redirected.... think twice even three times. There's a thin line between helping someone and controlling them. Knowing where to draw the line is half the battle.
Hey, if you think this drum is offbeat, keep marching to yours. That's
the whole idea.