
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Is Your Bestfriend Boycrazy?

We've all got that best friend who is pure genius. Intelligent, driven, accomplished, professional, and when it comes you your friendship, knows what to say,just when to say it and even knows how to say it. You say to yourself "Self, I'm so fortunate to have him/her as a friend."  You even attempt to give the same genuine love, care and advice when you can, except when it comes to RELATIONSHIPS...its like they lose their whole entire mind! "Who is this idiot?" You can find yourself thinking: "This is not my best friend." Yes, yes it is. This is your friend on love, or something like it.
So wrapped up in the idea of someone loving them romantically they do, say and allow some of the most outlandish things to transpire. Where do you come in? Be careful! While you may want to be a supportive listening ear, who is honest, that is not always what your friend is looking for.


Being too honest: "Of course you should be worried he/she admitted to being prone to cheat! " and they may just reject you and your honesty, feeling like you're calling them stupid, judging him/her and their choice to continue the relationship. Regular rules don't apply here.

 However, if you're too aloof you run the risk of your bestie feeling as if you're not interested or invested in his/her happiness. So what should you do? This depends on how well you know your bff here are a few ideas:

1. Preempt the strike: Tell them they may not like what you have to say. Hey sometimes truth hurts!

2. Ask bestie what they would tell you to do. You've  known them a while. You could imagine what they would say if it were you.

3. Don't give unsolicited advice! That is reserved for moms. However, give "examples" think them through first and don't lie! Your bff can see right through that. Rather, give examples from people you know,things you've read, or even tv shows you've seen.

The most important things are supporting your bestie and being real with them. Remember though real isn't always appreciated and nothing hurts like a strong bond weakening, friends or otherwise. So hope for the best but prepare for the worse.

At any rate, if they are in a relationship that really has no chance on earth, your friend will need you, to wipe the tears and bring the Bonbons and Ben and Jerrys ...or Vodka. Try to be available emotionally and physically. After all they are guarding your dirty little secrets.