Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I can't even fathom...

For a moment...Take away a #uniform and #badge ... Even take away skin #color .  (In no way denying the large #racist elephant in the room but stay with me please... I do have a point.)

#Imagine being gunned down #walking #away from a bad situation; Imagine retreating, and returning to your car with your children in it to drive off, and just because you didn't listen to the person wanting to engage with you, they shoot you 7-8 times at point blank range.

Can you imagine #Hot searing bullets enter your #fleshly #temple with the intent of the aggressor to kill you? Just Imagine you... #or intent to kill your brother...or intent to kill your sister...or intranet your kill mother...or intent kill your father?

We even #teach as a society, ourselves and our children,  when someone is #toxic walk away ... WHAT HAPPENED HERE? The Bible even says before a quarrel "take your leave."

Those in authority, set the tone and example. Is this really ok with someone on my timeline or in my life? Can anyone even try to remotely #defend or justify this?? Can you even imagine?

I can't even fathom.

Walking away does not Justify attempted homicide with or without a badge.

Only #GodsKingdom will heal this world.

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