Tuesday, January 1, 2019

If You're Reading This...

If you're reading this... 
Then you've made it to 2019!
Many of those whom we love didn't have the privilege.
SIDENOTE: Is it me... or doesn't it seem that at the end of every year there's a rash of people who "check out" of the "Hotel California"?
But if you're reading this... then you've been blessed with more time.
So, what do you plan to do with the time you've been given?
Social media takes a seriously cynical approach to: Clearing negative energy, seeking to get closer to God, resolving to eat better, live better, exercise more or be more productive.
I know you see the sarcastic memes. Now I'm not promoting New Years Resolutions. I'm promoting positive resolutions at any time of the year.  I'm saying if you want to clear negativity do it. If you want to get closer to the creator then do it! And so on. You've been given more time to improve matters in your life. To mend fences, to make all sorts of progress. Don't listen to social media as it continues to engineer our thoughts and trivialize positive change. It could be that they don't want you to get productive and positive. That would mean less time scrolling, clicking and buying from them. You can do it! Whatever you have set your mind to: It is Beyond Possible. It is tangible! I say start with the time you've been given today and GO FOR IT! Whatever it is that is truly positive!

Peace & Blessings


  1. Do you know what you posses my dear? A messenger, a divine revelation, a life changer. Am learning a lot from you about life n it's possibilities, reason as well. Thank you.

    1. I thank you King! Any gift I have it's from The Grand Creator. I appreciate your time. Always

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Always good keep up the great work and glad to see you made it with us into 2019

    1. It sure was a rough 2018 nut here we are slugging it out. Thanks for yur time and attention always.
