Monday, January 28, 2019

Souls Windows

Her truth
cannot be contained. 
She tries to refrain
her eyes 
though beautiful
tell all her pains.
They examine, search and find.
Shaped for almonds.
As diamonds they shine.
Her tears
carry her fears.
Tasting of salt.
Her eyes 
when satisfied 
dance The Waltz.
Danger in a glare.
Piercing thick layers.
Imagination in a gaze.
Intricate is the maze.
Intimate are the whites
that carry her light. 
It has yet to dim.
Her lashes
encompass her laughter
& passion. 
Her eyelids
conceal her lust
& guard her heart. A must.
The same eyes 
from her youth til now.
Despite the continuous fight
& troublesome nights
They have not grown weary
They still flicker 
filled with glitter.
How they wonder.
Her eyes speak volumes over her voice.