Sunday, April 10, 2016

Friends or Nah

I watched this video today you may have seen, it recently went viral. I laughed 😂 so hard. In the video a teen is harrasing an older man whose homeless.  The teens "friends" egg on the teenager while filming to keep up the harrassment.

Lets just say this kid got what was coming to him... I didn't laugh because a teen was being disrespectful to a 1.Elder 2. Someone less fortunate.
I didnt laugh cause he was he got what was coming to him... Well i did laugh at that part too but that wasn't what got me... The most comedic part to me was the comments and reactions of this teens so called "friends". 

Sadly this teen was spineless and  a follower...not really the "friends" who were videoing/instigating.

I laughed hard till it wasn't funny. But I wondered why / or how he could trust people who CLEARLY steer him in the wrong direction for their own entertainment.

Some of my friends are probably thinking "hold the phone we know you've done some F$%KED UP Stuff to your friends for a laugh."  True but never with malicious intent or anything dangerous or radical. Or some of you may say " I know you've hurt someone..." My answer to that is your right.  I don't claim to be perfect. Like any human I've done things I'm not proud of but... in my heart if your my friend... Ill travel the 7 seas for our friendship & I'll never put you in harms way.

I actually found myself feeling sorry for this kid cause he's blind to the fact that the people he considers "friends" couldn't care less about his welfare.

What about you? Do the people you rock with... Rock with you??? Can you trust them??? Do you trust them??? (Take time to note those are two very different questions.) Do they have your best interest at heart? Do they steer you in a direction positive for your life, health, wellbeing and future. If you esteem the friendship. Do they hold it in the same regard? If not why continue to subject yourself to such treachery? Ohhh you don't want to be alone??????
Take that and forget it.

Follow a path all your own and it will lead you to like- minds, like-hearts and hopefully less drama.

THINK... about your circle who you allow in it, who you tell your innermost thoughts, who you break bread with, who breaks bread with you? All answers are really visible.. If you look / watch/study/wait/ you'll see.

Don't forget to trust your senses too sometimes, outwardly "friends" play "all the right cards" but inwardly you know they are somehow "cheating." It happens!

All that to say the company you keep makes or breaks you... So be cautious who enters... Be cautious who exits.. And don't be afraid to make changes to it. Sadly all friendships don't last forever.. Some do but all don't. This life we've been given is not to surround yourself by people who: could do without you, could use you, could lie on you, could lie to you, set you up, tear you down or think anything less than the world of you.  If you stayed around them you in essesnce do to yourself what they do. So free yourself because peace is priceless.

Back to the video if it wasn't enough that they set him up... And left him All THE WAY  hanging.... They posted it online.... JEEZUZ... CHECK IT OUT 👇 & share this article if u dig it!

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