Thursday, April 11, 2019


People can change.
 Not everyone will believe in the fact that you are different. 
Some may even attempt dragging you backward or provoking you into negativity...
 Because it's they themselves 
who are stuck. 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Raining Petals

It was raining red and pink petals of roses, when I requested your company in the carriage. Strong was the scent of the beautiful blossoms.

You held my hand tightly, tightly as I paid for our horse and carriage. Squeezing it afraid to return to the confusion of our past, wondering if it would hurt... If this time it would last... I offered comfort and assurance this was just a way home. 
We would dine and dance; only tonight not alone. 

Of course I love you! But only as a friend. We were children wishing  before now... but not ever again. 

People from our past watched as we fell into our oh so natural groove. Knowing each other too well with nothing to prove. I ordered your food. You chose my dessert. We danced so very close... with temptation it seemed we did flirt...but we knew for a certainty no future was involved we enjoyed our time as the moon revolved. 

The clock began to strike here came the end of night. We walked slowly to the carriage...You whispered in my ear a secret. I promised to keep it. Just know I felt the same.