Saturday, July 18, 2015

5 Signs you may need to let go of your relationship.

Ever had a love that you compare every single one after that to? It seems no one can match up. They were perfect for you in every way. Wake up your dreaming! There's a reason why he/she is an EX.

For those of us still in a slumber of dreamland. Here are 5 signs that can help you decide whether you want to keep going or is it time for you to wake up?

5 Signs

1. You cry more than you smile

There will always be rough times in a relationships. Real love stands these test by coming together and making it through. No one on earth is perfect. So how can we expect the relationship to be? However, if your relationship consist of mostly tears, not tears of joy, then maybe you should take a time out. Love is difficult yes but it shouldn't hurt more than it heals.

2. You're stagnant

Have you made any progress in your personal or professional life? Did you have dreams ideas and aspirations that have gone nowhere? This could be a sign. Your mate should support your dreams, even if your head is in the clouds, they should to be there supporting you. Sometimes support is bringing you back to earth.

3. Friends are desensitized

So you visit your best friend to tell him/her of the most recent drama and they don't even blink, flinch, or budge. This means they are used the drama that ensues between you two. You should be worried when your friends aren't worried. It's a sign they have given up on your train of thought. They are exhausted as you probably should be.

4. When you are together you feel alone

You rush to your mate to share the most exciting news, only to receive a half-hearted "That's great". Or you sit down for a dinner and there's only the sound of silverware grazing the plates. Are you feeling like you are not in a relationship? Maybe you aren't.

5. The actions don’t reflect the words

Someone’s actions can speak volumes. Louder than words right? So if you’re hearing I love you, I need you,  I don’t want anyone but you, you complete me or you had me at hello but you are eye witnessing something completely different this a sure sign. 

 Here's the Deal

Love is an emotion, a strong, potent, intoxicating, invisible, entity that we can see the effects of even though we can’t hold it in our hands. Much like the wind you feel the cool breeze when it blows but when it stops, you can feel the difference.

Now unless you hit 1-5 on here don’t just call it quits with your lover. Communication is key. Have a real conversation, if possible, about improving the relationship, adding spice adding adventure, bringing the spark back, afford them a chance, if nothing changes after that, then sell the farm and hit the highway! Single Life here you Come!